Hand Crafted Wedding & Engagement Rings by Forge & Fountain

Hello friends, family, and wedding-bound shoppers!

We are so proud to introduce to you our new website featuring our Wedding and Engagement ring collections, a list of local events we are exhibiting at, and a blog where you'll find news of our latest designs, heirloom pieces, and special projects. 

Our mission is to provide beautiful heirloom and custom jewelry to our clients. But above that, we are passionate about kindness, equity, and justice as principles to live and work by. Our work as Forge & Fountain is an expression of empathy and inclusion, honoring people’s differences and celebrating their bonds. We hope you will love what we've put together to illustrate that commitment to you!

We have many people to thank for their assistance and encouragement in putting together the many details that went into launching this endeavor. First and foremost: we were incredibly fortunate to have the pleasure of working with Tanya Anguita of Frogsong Photography for our first candid photoshoot. We're absolutely thrilled with the wonderful images she captured.

Thank you also to Rose Souders and Rebecca Hansen of Potluck Consulting, who helped us fine tune the website and focus our message. We're so grateful!

And thank you finally to the many friends who offered their encouragement and thoughtful feedback on designs, narrative, and functionality. We hope you enjoy the view.

Morganite & 18K Fairmined Gold Solitaire

October 03, 2017 — Holly DeFount